Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Gamelan Gong Kebyar (Balinase Traditional Musical Instrument)

Hi , if you came to Bali you will hear music traditional Bali. In Bali we call gamelan for the all traditional musical instrument. Gamelan bali have many types, but I will discuss you about Gong kebyar. Gamelan Gong kebyar is a modern style or traditional music genre Bali.
Gamelan Gong Kebyar was first documented to exist in North Bali in the early 1900′s. The first public performance was in December 1915 at a gamelan gong competition in Jagaraga, North Bali. Ten years later, I Mario of Tabanan is said to have created kebyar dance to accompany the music.

Instruments in Gamelan Gong Kebyar offer a wide range of pitches and timbres, ranging five octaves from the deepest gongs to the highest key on a gangsa. The high end can be described as “piercing,” the low end “booming and sustained,” while the drums as “crisp”. Kebyar instruments are most often grouped in pairs, or “gendered.” Each pair consists of a male and female instrument, the female being slightly larger and slightly lower in pitch. See tuning in this article to learn why this is.
The following is the division of instruments:
Gangsa Kantilan, Gangsa Pemadé, Ugal, Calung, Jegogan, Gong Gede, Kempur, Kelenong Kempli, Kajar, Reyong, Terompong, Kendang, Ceng-Ceng, Suling, Kelenang, Rebab.

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